Using Visual Content to Boost Your Brand

Serra Johnson
3 min readJan 25, 2021


Using visual aids can help a brand create a concise conceptualization of the image they want portrayed to the public. It also helps create the perception associated with your brand, and once your brand is created, visual content becomes a vehicle that helps brands deliver engaging messages to their fans. Because of this, visual content is no longer just nice to have — it’s necessary.

Visual aids are vital to the learning and memory process, so it makes sense that if you want someone to remember your brand, you should incorporate some type of image. I know that I’m more likely to remember a catchy graphic than I am a slogan. It’s a proven fact that adults recall images better than words, so it’s important to consider what images you want associated with your brand. The bottom line is, whether you’re writing a blog, hosting a podcast, or building a brand — you need to add visual content.

Here are some important things to remember as you learn to incorporate visual content into your regular content:

Why You Need Visual Content

Content with visuals, whether it’s a photo, a graphic, or a video, receive 94% more views than those without. If your content has images, it receives 650% more engagement. The most important thing to keep in mind is that visuals boost an audience’s recall of your brand significantly.

The Purpose of Visuals

The images and media you choose to use should serve a purpose. Ask yourself; what does this image add to my original content? What is the image saying? Is it in line with my other content? It’s important to note that visual media must align with any written content, or else it just becomes distracting clutter. The best visual content helps us remember something, more specifically — remember something about your brand. Consistent branding throughout all your platforms and over time is essential to building a brand, so make sure the images you use are harmonious with each other and your brand.

Visual Formats

When picking the format of your visual content, there are a multitude of considerations. A few are animations, graphics, photographs, videos, illustrations, and charts/graphs. When creating your images, remember that good visuals are clear and easy to understand. It’s also important to keep text to a minimum.

Consider Your Platform

When considering the type of visual content you should produce, it’s important to consider the platform you use as an output (i.e website, blog, social media). Depending on the type of platform, it may allow space for media, whether it’s through background photos or banner images. Make sure to utilize that space to your advantage and put captivating visual content in those spaces. Negative space and color theory are important, and should be considered when creating things like banner and background images because they can convey different emotions when used correctly. Cover images are used on a multitude of social media platforms (Instagram, TikTok, Pinterest, Youtube) and are an important aspect of their visual media, as it is the first thing the audience sees. Text can be useful here, when used appropriately. No matter what you are trying to achieve, you should strongly consider hiring a freelance graphic designer.

